Monday, April 29, 2013

There has never been a better day to start.

There has never been a better day to start.  Pretty deep, right? ;)


Listen, I promise I'm not going to bore you with my soul searching and personal growth.  I swear I won't make you feel like a jerk with tales of yoga practice followed by green tea and a good book.

Ew, I would never.

And here's why:
1. I don't do yoga, I do therapy
2. I don't drink green tea, I drink coffee and diet coke and alcohol ( in no particular order)
3. I don't read good books, I read inspirational quotes on pinterest  and the nutritional content of bugles whilst watching re-runs of Jersey Shore

So don't you see??  I am about to make you feel so good about yourself!  Keep following and in no time you will feel skinny, well adjusted and capable against me! Go you!
Because seriously, haven't we all had enough of the blogger who has 14 kids, a spotless house, impeccable fashion sense, natural runner's legs despite "a crazy love of cheeseburgers!" and a helpful hotty husband? I know I have.

So let's get realz.

This has been a long time coming for me.  I struggle daily with crippling low self worth, anticipatory anxiety (*shout out to my therapist for that turn of phrase*!), endless body issues, fear, guilt, self-isolation, addiction, manic emotions, procrastination and much more.  I have come to identify with these actions, feelings and words.  I choked them down and took them on as my burden.  I am sharply aware of the power these "things" have over me and how they have inadvertently dimmed my light.

I'm tired of not shining. Screw that. I'm not doing that anymore.

I won't pretend that it will be easy to change my thought patterns.  In fact, I imagine it will be like peeling back the worlds largest onion one layer at a time to find the core.
But OH so aromatic once I sweat out all of the bitterness.  A much needed base for building my flavor. (So dorky, I know.  There will be a lot of food references.  I like the foods...)

It's high time that I focus on the good that I can bring too this world, myself and those around me.  I guess that is what this is really all about.  It's about understanding and accepting how and who I am in this moment and poking a bit of fun at my flaws.
Perhaps I could even take myself MORE seriously.  Yeah, ya heard me.  I could get serious about my strengths and use them for good.  You could, too.  Ok, I'll start--
-I'm a marathoner
-I'm nurturing
-I can make people laugh
-I'm a self-taught cook who can rock it
-I'm a front singer in a band
-I'm active the arts in my community
-I'm focused and determined at my best
-I can access gentle and love very easily
-I'm spontaneous
-I'm committed to being better
-I'm honest

Well looky here!  I guess I've contradicted myself from the beginning of this WILL be subjected to personal growth! 

So sue me. :)

In coming posts you can mostly expect adventures in culinary creations and disasters, my struggles and commitments to wellness, ramblings on being a new singleton after a long relationship,  smart-ass (but not snarky) musings on human nature, creative ways of not being inappropriate in said posts, retail therapy extravaganzas, financial messiness and chugging on in general!

I invite you to join me.  This is for us, after all!  I hope to help each other with our honesty, goofiness and cosmic camaraderie. And I could reaaalllly use the attention. :)


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